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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

2016-17 Archived Newsletters

Archived Newsletters

The table below contains all newsletters for the stated academic year above. 


1. Weekly Attendance

2. Ofsted Parent Questionnaire - All - Information

3. School Reports - All - Information

4. Friends of Chesswood - All - Information

5. Library Reminder - All - Information

Friday 21st July

1. Weekly Attendance

2. Ofsted Parent Questionnaire - All - Information

3. Second Hand Uniform - All - Action

4. School Reports - All - Information

5. Friends of Chesswood - All - Information

6. External - All - Information

Friday 14th July

1. Weekly Attendance

2. Ofsted Parent Questionnaire - All - Information

3. Library - All - Information

4. Sports News - All - Information

5. Friends of Chesswood - All - Information

6. External - All - Information

Friday 7th July

1. Weekly Attendance

2. Punctuality - All - Action

3. Fidget Spinners - All - Action

4. Friends of Chesswood Event - All - Information

5. Celebrating External Achievement - All - Information

6. Sports News - All - Information

7. External Events - All - Information

Friday 30th June

1. Weekly Attendance

2. INSET DAYS - All - Information

3. Wizard of Oz - Cast Members - Information

4. Sports News - All - Information

5. External Events - All - Information

Friday 23rd June

1. Weekly Attendance

2. Children's Parade - All - Action

3. Wizard of Ox - All - Action

4. School Fundraising Events - All - Information

5. Celebrating Children's Achievements - All - Action

6. External Events - All - Information

Friday 16th June

1. Weekly Attendance

2. School Library Competition - All - Action

3. Driving Safely - All - Information

4. Year 6 Residential Trip - Year 5 Parents - Action

5. Sports News - All - Information

6. External Events - All - Information

Friday 9th June

1. Weekly Attendance

2. Sports News

3. School Reports

4. Maths Challenge

5. Safety in Our School

Friday 26th May

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Sports News

3. Treat Week

4. Violin Lessons

5. Year 6 Leaver's Hoodies

6. External Events

Friday 19th May

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Sports News

3. Late Pupils

4. Wizard of Oz

5. Red Nose

6. Mobile Phones

7. Treat Week

8. External Events

Friday 12th May

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Inset Date Change - All - Information

3. Wizard of Oz - All - Information

4. Poster Competition - All - Information

5. Sports News - All - Information

6. Friends of Chesswood - All - Action

7. Police Press Release - All - Information

8. Parking Reminder - All - Information

9. Exterma; Events - All - Information

10. School Journeys - All - Action

11. Stantionery Sale - All - Action 

Friday 5th May

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Attendance - All - Information

3. Governors Announcement - All - Information

4. Sports News - All - Information

5. Community Choir - All - Information

6. Save Our Schools Rally - All - Information

7. Second Hand Uniform Shop - All - Information

8. External Event - All - Information

Friday 28th April

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. March House Point Results - ALL - Action

3. Homework Club

4. Second Hand Uniform Shop

5. Sports News

6. Sports Days

7. External Events

Friday 7th April

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Parents Evening - ALL - Action

3. Parents Governor Vacancy - ALL - Action

4. Clubs Summer Term 2017 - ALL - Action

5. Disneyland Choir - ALL - Action

6. Poster Competiton - ALL - Action

7. Sports News - ALL - Action

8. External Events - ALL - Information

Friday 31st March

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Parents Evening - ALL - Action

3. Parent Helpers for School Production

4. Club Information

5. Sports News - ALL - Information

6. Parent Coffee Morning - ALL - Information

7. External Events - ALL - Information

Friday 24th March

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Fiordilatte - ALL - Information

3. Sports News

4. Club Information

5. External Evens - ALL - Information

Friday 17th March

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Sports News - ALL - Information

3. Science Fair - ALL - Information

4. Inset Day Child Care - All - Information

Friday 10th March

1. Weekly Attendance - ALL - Information

2. Club Cancellations - ALL

3. Fundraising - ALL - Information

4. Monthly House Totals - ALL - Information

5. Sports News - ALL - Information

6. Inset Day Child Care - ALL - Information

7. External Advert - ALL - Information

Friday 3rd March

1. Weekly Attendance Awards - All - Information

2. Paperless Homework - All - Action

3. Club Cancellations - ALL

4. Year 5 Guided Walk - Year 5 Parents - Information

5. Staff Leavers - All - Information

6. Road Safety - All - Information

7. Laser Pens - All - Information

8. Online Safety - All - Information

9. World Book Day - All - Information

Friday 17th February

1. Weekly Attendance Awards - All - Information

2. Sports News

3. Disneyland Paris Choir

4. Bikeability Courses

5. Internet Safety

Friday 10th February

1. Weekly Attendance Awards - All - Information

2. Sports News

3. Local Sports Events

4. Celebrating Children's Achievements

Friday 3rd February

1. Weekly Attendance Awards - All - Information

2. Clubs - Cancellations

3. Sports News Friday 27th January

1. Weekly Attendance Awards - All - Information 

2. Missing Scooters - All Parents - Action Needed

3. Parents Evening - All Parents - Action Needed

4. Postcard Competition - All - Competition

5. Sign 2 Sing - All - Information

6. Term Dates - All - Information

7. Mayors Charity Swim - All - Information

Friday 20th January

1. Weekly Attendance Awards - All - Information

2. Clubs - All Parents - Action Needed

3. Parents Evening - All Parents - Action Needed

4. Tutors Needed - All Parents - Job Opportunity

5. Handwriting Pens - All Parents - Information

6. Celebrating Children's Achievements

7. Postcard Competition - All - Competition

8. Worth Less Campaign - All - Information

Friday 13th January

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Club Application Deadline

3. School Communication Reminder

4. Gold Awards Ceremony

5. Schoolsbuddy Update

6. Worthing Schools Swimming Gala

7. Community Choir Reminder

8. Fundraising Totals

9. Other News

Friday 6th January

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Carol Concert

3. Clubs

4. Christmas Card Winner

5. School Communication

6. Other News

Friday 16th December

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Christmas Hot School Meal

3. Christmas Jumper Day

4. Carol Concert

5. Library

6. Christmas Fair

7. Sports News

8. Christmas Carol Concert

9. Celebrating Children's Achievements

10. Other News

Friday 9th December

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Before and After School Clubs

3. NSPCC Green Day

4. Future Inset Days

5. The Great Chesswood Christmas Fair

6. Christmas Hot School Meal


7. Chesswood Community Choir

8. Christmas Jumper Day

9. Carol Concert

10. Sports News

11. Worth Less? Update - November 2016

Friday 25th November

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Christmas Fayre

3. Club Cancellations

4. Maths Week

5. Christmas Hot School Meal

6. NSPCC Green Day

7. Celebrating Children's Achievements

8. Sports News

Friday 18th November

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Christmas Fayre

3. Maths Week: 14th to 18th November 2016

4. Celebrating Children's Achievements

5. Staff Vacancy

6. Sports News

7. Events in the Next Week

Friday 11th November

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Morning School Entry Arrangements

3. Christmas Card Competitons

4. Club Cancellations

5. Sports News

Friday 4th November

1. Tracey Edwards is Leaving Chesswood Junior School

2. Weekly Attendance Awards

3. Celebrating Children's Achievements

4. Christmas Charity Run

5. Halloween Safety Advice

6. Half Term & Holiday Courses

7. Sports News

8. Rail Strikes

Friday 14th October

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Non Uniform Day

3. INSET Day

4. Letters/ Trip Payments

5. Secondary Transfer, Year 6

6. Cycle Helmets

7. Club Cancellations

8. Department of Education Census

9. Half Term & Holiday Courses

10. Rail Strikes

11. Snow Dogs by the Sea

12. Governing Body Vacancies

13. Celebrating Children's Achievements

14. School Christmas Fair

15. Sports News

Friday 7th October

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Club Cancellations

3. Picking Up After School & Extra-Curricular Clubs

4. Department of Education Census

5. Parents Evening

6. Letters/ Trip Payments

7. Half Term & Holiday Courses

8. Dogs/ Playground

9. Rail Strikes

10. Snow Dogs by the Sea

11. Governing Body Vacancies

12. Secondary Transfer, Year 6

Friday 30th September

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. Pupil Photographs

3. Events, Trips & Online Payments

4. Parents Evening

5. Harvest

6. Scooters/ Bikes

7. Conkers

8. Trading & Games Cards

9. Governing Body Vacancies

10. Celebrating Children's Achievements

Friday 21st September

1. Weekly Attendance Awards

2. After School Clubs

3. Pupil Photographs

4. Events, Trips & Online Payments

5. Harvest

6. School Travel Survey

7. Governing Body Vacancies

8. Secondary Transfer, Year 6

9. Year 6 Visit to Worthing Library

10. Traffic Signal Replacement

11. Sports News

Friday 16th September

1. Meet the Teacher Sessions

2. After School Clubs

3. Pupil Photographs, Monday 12th September

4. Non Uniform Day, Friday 16th September

5. Events, Trips & Online Payments

6. Hot School Meals


Friday 9th September