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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Archive Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 Home Learning page.  This will be updated each Monday by your teachers.  If you have any urgent queries relating to year 6 home learning, please send an e-mail to both Mrs Peace, the year leader ( and Mr Yelling, the assistant head teacher (, so we can deal with your queries quickly.  If you need any technical help, please get in touch with the IT manager, Mr Miller (  Otherwise, the contact details for the Year 6 team are listed below.

contact us

General Year 6 Mrs Peace -
6EP Miss Price -
6RW  Mrs Robinson-Wright -
6SJ  Mrs Johnson -

Mrs Bourner -   

Mrs Peace -

6EW  Miss Wadge -
6MH  Miss Hills -


Reading, Writing & Maths  - the tasks outlined below relate to the work being set in school for the core subjects of reading, writing and maths. They will be updated weekly by your teachers.   


Please note - you may need to swap round the Nasty Writing and English in the morning depending on the time of your class's live English session.  You can find out this time and find the invite by checking your school email account.


Starter Boards
8:50 Maths
9:50 Nasty Writing
10.05 English
10.40 Break
10.55 Finish English
11:35 Reading for Pleasure/ Reading Task
12.05 IXL/Duolingo
12:15 Lunch
13:15 Meditation/Mindfulness or PSHE 
13:30  Wider Curriculum 1
14:20 Wider Curriculum 2 
15:05 Hometime


The tasks shown currently are for the Week BEGINNING 19th July.  PLEASe Click on the image to see details of the tasks.


Monday 19th – FRIDAY 23rd JUly 2021


Wider Subject Tasks - the tasks set below are linked to the work being undertaken in all other subjects (foundation subjects) this half-term. They will be updated half-termly by teachers. Have a go at as many as you can during your time at home.


Summer 2


Extended homework - practice the homework tasks more often during each day of isolation:

  • Read an age appropriate book for at least 30 minutes
  • Complete IXL English tasks for at least 30 minutes
  • Complete IXL maths tasks for at least 30 minutes
  • Learn your spellings in different ways and practice any high-frequency words that are still tricky - click here
  • Practice your maths written methods for 30 minutes - click here

If you do not have access to the Internet please let your class teacher know immediately and they will look at options during the period of isolation.


There are many links on our website to support independent learning for children across all subjects. The sites and links will allow children to explore a variety of high-quality resources to support them in researching areas of interest. These may go beyond the curriculum topics at Chesswood but will be highly valuable in engaging children in their independent learning skills and developing a love for learning. Click on the headings below to access the links and resources.

Useful Websites and Links

Explore a wide range of websites and links to great learning opportunities. You can use the menu to explore sites and links by subject. 

Game Zone 

Use the menu to access games created by teachers at Chesswood to support learning in all curriculum areas. 

Knowledge Organisers

Have a look at knowledge organisers for your year group. It would also be great to look back at previous knowledge organisers. What have you remembered?

  1. Week 9 HL Reading Comprehension Text, Questions and AnswersPDF File

  2. Year 6 reading activity gridPDF File

  3. Lesson 1 resourcesPDF File

  4. Lesson 2 Imagery ChecklistPDF File

  5. Lesson 3 Word BankPDF File

  6. Y5-Summer-Block-5-ANS1-What-is-volume_-2020PDF File

  7. Y5-Summer-Block-5-WO1-What-is-volume-2020PDF File

  8. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS6-Area-of-a-parallelogram-2019PDF File

  9. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS7-Volume-counting-cubes-2019PDF File

  10. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS8-Volume-of-a-cuboid-2019PDF File

  11. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO6-Area-of-a-parallelogram-2019 (1)PDF File

  12. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO7-Volume-counting-cubes-2019PDF File

  13. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO8-Volume-of-a-cuboid-2019PDF File

  14. Y5-Summer-Block-5-ANS1-What-is-volume_-2020PDF File

  15. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO6-Area-of-a-parallelogram-2019 (1)PDF File

  16. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO7-Volume-counting-cubes-2019PDF File

  17. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO8-Volume-of-a-cuboid-2019PDF File

  18. Written methods week 9PDF File

  19. Y5-Summer-Block-5-WO1-What-is-volume-2020PDF File

  20. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS6-Area-of-a-parallelogram-2019PDF File

  21. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS7-Volume-counting-cubes-2019PDF File

  22. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS8-Volume-of-a-cuboid-2019PDF File

  23. Y6-Spring-Block-5-ANS6-Area-of-a-parallelogram-2019PDF File

  24. Y6-Spring-Block-5-WO6-Area-of-a-parallelogram-2019 (1)PDF File

  25. Turbo Maths Week 9PDF File

  26. Turbo week 9JPG File

  27. Year 6 DT Summer Home Learning Takeaway TasksPDF File

  28. Termly Learning Year 6 Spring 2PDF File

  29. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 9PDF File

  30. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 9PDF File

  31. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS1-Using-ratio-language-2019PDF File

  32. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS2-Ratio-and-fractions-2019PDF File

  33. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS4-Calculating-ratio-2019PDF File

  34. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS5-Using-scale-factors-2019PDF File

  35. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO1-Using-ratio-language-2019PDF File

  36. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO2-Ratio-and-fractions-2019-1PDF File

  37. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO3-Introducing-the-ratio-symbol-2019 (1)PDF File

  38. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO3-Introducing-the-ratio-symbol-2019PDF File

  39. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO4-Calculating-ratio-2019PDF File

  40. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO5-Using-scale-factors-2019PDF File

  41. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS3-Introducing-the-ratio-symbol-2019PDF File

  42. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS5-Using-scale-factors-2019PDF File

  43. L1 Slow writing sentence breakdownPDF File

  44. L1 Slow writing success criteriaPDF File

  45. Planning sheet for planning and draftingPDF File

  46. success criteria for draftingPDF File

  47. Year 6 vocabularyPDF File

  48. Written methodsPDF File

  49. Written methodsPDF File

  50. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 10PDF File

  51. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 10 xDOCX File

  52. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS1-Using-ratio-language-2019PDF File

  53. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS2-Ratio-and-fractions-2019PDF File

  54. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS3-Introducing-the-ratio-symbol-2019PDF File

  55. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS4-Calculating-ratio-2019PDF File

  56. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS5-Using-scale-factors-2019PDF File

  57. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO1-Using-ratio-language-2019PDF File

  58. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO2-Ratio-and-fractions-2019-1PDF File

  59. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO3-Introducing-the-ratio-symbol-2019 (1)PDF File

  60. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO3-Introducing-the-ratio-symbol-2019PDF File

  61. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS6-Calculating-scale-factors-2019PDF File

  62. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS7-Ratio-and-proportion-problems-2019PDF File

  63. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS-Ratio-and-proportion-problems-2-2020PDF File

  64. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO7-Ratio-and-proportion-problems-2019PDF File

  65. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO-Ratio-and-proportion-problems-2-2020 (1)PDF File

  66. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO-Ratio-and-proportion-problems-2-2020PDF File

  67. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS1-Read-and-interpret-line-graphs-2020PDF File

  68. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO1-Read-and-interpret-line-graphs-2020-1PDF File

  69. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO4-Calculating-ratio-2019PDF File

  70. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO5-Using-scale-factors-2019PDF File

  71. Y6-Spring-Block-6-ANS6-Calculating-scale-factors-2019 (1)PDF File

  72. Y6-Spring-Block-6-WO6-Calculating-scale-factors-2019 (1)PDF File

  73. Y6-Summer-Block-3-PPT1-Read-and-interpret-line-graphs-2020 (1)PDF File

  74. Lesson one to uplevel with SCPDF File

  75. success criteria for L1 uplevellingPDF File

  76. CGP reading comp answersPDF File

  77. Cyber-Bullying CGP questionsPDF File

  78. Cyber-Bullying CGP reading comprehensionPDF File

  79. Written methodsPDF File

  80. Week 11 4 Operations (Taken from 18-19)PDF File

  81. Week 11 4 Operations (Taken from 18-19)PDF File

  82. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 11 xPDF File

  83. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS1-Read-and-interpret-line-graphs-2020 (1)PDF File

  84. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS2-Draw-line-graphs-2020PDF File

  85. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS3-Use-line-graphs-to-solve-problems-2020PDF File

  86. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS5-Read-and-interpret-pie-charts-2020PDF File

  87. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO1-Read-and-interpret-line-graphs-2020-1 (1)PDF File

  88. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO2-Draw-line-graphs-2020PDF File

  89. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO3-Use-line-graphs-to-solve-problems-2020PDF File

  90. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO5-Read-and-interpret-pie-charts-2020PDF File

  91. Week 12 4 Operations (from 18-19)PDF File

  92. Hostages answersPDF File

  93. Hostages questionsPDF File

  94. Hostages textPDF File

  95. L1 Book review lesson slidesPDF File

  96. L1 Book review success criteriaPDF File

  97. L1 Book review templatePDF File

  98. L1 reason for writing success criteriaPDF File

  99. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS4-Substitution-2019PDF File

  100. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019PDF File

  101. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019PDF File

  102. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO3-Forming-expressions-2019PDF File

  103. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO4-Substitution-2019PDF File

  104. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019PDF File

  105. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019PDF File

  106. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS3-Forming-expressions-2019PDF File

  107. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 9PDF File

  108. Wed Writing story ending checklistPDF File

  109. Y6-Spring-Block-1-WO7-Decimals-as-fractions-2019PDF File

  110. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO11-Draw-nets-of-3D-shapes-2020PDF File

  111. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO2-Introduce-angles-2020PDF File

  112. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO2-Introduce-angles-2020PDF File

  113. L1 Book review lesson slidesPDF File

  114. L1 Book review success criteriaPDF File

  115. L1 Book review templatePDF File

  116. L1 reason for writing success criteriaPDF File

  117. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 12PDF File

  118. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS5-Read-and-interpret-pie-charts-2020 (1)PDF File

  119. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS6-Pie-charts-with-percentages-2020PDF File

  120. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS7-Draw-pie-charts-2020PDF File

  121. Y6-Summer-Block-3-ANS8-The-mean-2020PDF File

  122. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO5-Read-and-interpret-pie-charts-2020 (1)PDF File

  123. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO6-Pie-charts-with-percentages-2020PDF File

  124. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO7-Draw-pie-charts-2020PDF File

  125. Y6-Summer-Block-3-WO8-The-mean-2020PDF File

  126. Week 1 4 Operations (From week 13 18-19)PDF File

  127. CGP answersPDF File

  128. CGP questionsPDF File

  129. CGP reading comprehensionPDF File

  130. L1 events and feelingsPDF File

  131. L2 Extracts for WW2 vocabularyPDF File

  132. L2 WW2 wordbankPDF File

  133. L3 Letter for children to analysePDF File

  134. L4 Slow writing sentence breakdownPDF File

  135. L4 Slow writing success criteriaPDF File

  136. Y5-Summer-Block-2-ANS4-Drawing-lines-and-angles-accurately-2020PDF File

  137. Y5-Summer-Block-2-ANS5-Calculating-angles-on-a-straight-line-2020PDF File

  138. Y5-Summer-Block-2-ANS6-Calculating-angles-around-a-point-2020PDF File

  139. Y5-Summer-Block-2-WO4-Drawing-lines-and-angles-accurately-2020PDF File

  140. Y5-Summer-Block-2-WO5-Calculating-angles-on-a-straight-line-2020PDF File

  141. Y5-Summer-Block-2-WO6-Calculating-angles-around-a-point-2020 (1)PDF File

  142. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS1-Measure-with-a-protractor-2020PDF File

  143. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS2-Introduce-angles-2020PDF File

  144. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO1-Measure-with-a-protractor-2020PDF File

  145. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO2-Introduce-angles-2020PDF File

  146. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS2-Introduce-angles-2020PDF File

  147. CGP answersPDF File

  148. CGP questionsPDF File

  149. CGP reading comprehensionPDF File

  150. Key vocab and Y6 spellings planning sheetPDF File

  151. success criteria for Evacuee letterPDF File

  152. Y5-Summer-Block-2-ANS4-Drawing-lines-and-angles-accurately-2020PDF File

  153. Y5-Summer-Block-2-ANS5-Calculating-angles-on-a-straight-line-2020PDF File

  154. Y5-Summer-Block-2-ANS6-Calculating-angles-around-a-point-2020PDF File

  155. Y5-Summer-Block-2-WO4-Drawing-lines-and-angles-accurately-2020PDF File

  156. Y5-Summer-Block-2-WO5-Calculating-angles-on-a-straight-line-2020PDF File

  157. Y5-Summer-Block-2-WO6-Calculating-angles-around-a-point-2020 (1)PDF File

  158. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS1-Measure-with-a-protractor-2020PDF File

  159. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS2-Introduce-angles-2020PDF File

  160. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO1-Measure-with-a-protractor-2020PDF File

  161. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS3-Calculate-angles-2020 (1)PDF File

  162. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS4-Vertically-opposite-angles-2020PDF File

  163. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS5-Angles-in-a-triangle-2020PDF File

  164. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS6-Angles-in-a-triangle-special-cases-2020PDF File

  165. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO3-Calculate-angles-2020PDF File

  166. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO4-Vertically-opposite-angles-2020PDF File

  167. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO5-Angles-in-a-triangle-2020PDF File

  168. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO6-Angles-in-a-triangle-special-cases-2020PDF File

  169. Evacuation comprehension, question and answersPDF File

  170. Blackout Guide page 1PDF File

  171. Gas mask GuidePDF File

  172. Housewife guidePDF File

  173. Identify features taskPDF File

  174. Make do and mendPDF File

  175. 4 operationsPDF File

  176. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS7-Angles-in-a-triangle-missing-angles-2020PDF File

  177. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS8-Angles-in-special-quadrilaterals-2020PDF File

  178. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS9-Angles-in-regular-polygons-2020PDF File

  179. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS10-Draw-shapes-accurately-2020PDF File

  180. Y6-Summer-Block-1-ANS11-Draw-nets-of-3D-shapes-2020PDF File

  181. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO7-Angles-in-a-triangle-missing-angles-2020PDF File

  182. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO8-Angles-in-special-quadrilaterals-2020PDF File

  183. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO9-Angles-in-regular-polygons-2020PDF File

  184. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO10-Draw-shapes-accurately-2020PDF File

  185. Y6-Summer-Block-1-WO11-Draw-nets-of-3D-shapes-2020PDF File

  186. Week 4 4 Operations (From week 13 18-19)PDF File

  187. The life of Adrian Henri comprehensionPDF File

  188. The life of Adrian Henri questionsPDF File

  189. Slow writing sentences for analysisPDF File

  190. Slow writing success criteriaPDF File

  191. Blackout informationPDF File

  192. Make Do and Mend information sheetsPDF File

  193. Rationing information sheetPDF File

  194. Air Raid informationPDF File

  195. Evacuation informationPDF File

  196. Success criteria for home front guidePDF File

  197. Anne Frank comp answersPDF File

  198. Anne Frank Exhibition comprehensionPDF File

  199. Anne Frank Exhibition questionsPDF File

  200. Arithmetic AnswersPDF File

  201. Arithmetic TestPDF File

  202. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-ANS16-Fraction-of-an-amount-find-the-whole-2019 (1)PDF File

  203. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO16-Fraction-of-an-amount-find-the-whole-2019 (1)PDF File

  204. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-ANS16-Fraction-of-an-amount-find-the-whole-2019 (1)PDF File

  205. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO16-Fraction-of-an-amount-find-the-whole-2019 (1)PDF File

  206. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-ANS15-Fractions-of-an-amount-2019 (1)PDF File

  207. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO15-Fractions-of-an-amount-2019 (2)PDF File

  208. Y5-Spring-Block-2-ANS2-Improper-to-mixed-numbers-2019 (2)PDF File

  209. Y5-Spring-Block-2-WO2-Improper-to-mixed-numbers-2019PDF File

  210. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-ANS1-Simplify-fractions-2019 (2)PDF File

  211. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-ANS3-Compare-and-order-denominator-2019 (1)PDF File

  212. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-ANS4-Compare-and-order-numerator-2019PDF File

  213. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO1-Simplify-fractions-2019 (2)PDF File

  214. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO3-Compare-and-order-denominator-2019PDF File

  215. Y6-Autumn-Block-3-WO4-Compare-and-order-numerator-2019PDF File

  216. Y6-Spring-Block-1-ANS7-Decimals-as-fractions-2019PDF File

  217. Y6-Spring-Block-1-WO7-Decimals-as-fractions-2019PDF File

  218. Snow Spider comprehensionPDF File

  219. Snow Spider questionsPDF File

  220. Writing ExamplePDF File

  221. Beowulf Slow Writing Criteria L3PDF File

  222. Beowulf Slow Writing L3PDF File

  223. Krishna comprehensionPDF File

  224. Krishna questionsPDF File

  225. L1 5NPV-1 - Fluency - how tenths and hundreths make up different numbersPDF File

  226. L2 - 5NPV-2 - Fluency - understanding the place value of 2 decimal place numbersPDF File

  227. Lesson 2 atmosphere extractsPDF File

  228. Vocabulalry worksheet L1PDF File

  229. Year 6 - Week 7 - Maths Flip - Place ValuePDF File

  230. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 7PDF File

  231. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 7PDF File

  232. Beowulf narrative success criteria Session 3 and 4PDF File

  233. Day 1 - Place Value ResourcesPDF File

  234. example of paragraph 1 lesson 2PDF File

  235. Planning atmopsherePDF File

  236. Year 6 - Week 8 - Maths Flip - Place ValuePDF File

  237. Planning atmopsherePDF File

  238. Reading Comprehension AnswersPDF File

  239. Reading Comprehension QuestionsPDF File

  240. Reading Comprehension Text PDF File

  241. Year 6 - Week 8 - Maths Flip - Place ValuePDF File

  242. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 8PDF File

  243. Mon Writing ChecklistPDF File

  244. Mon Writing Prompt sheetPDF File

  245. Mon Writing Said is Dead matPDF File

  246. Thurs Grammar Proofreading for PunctuationPDF File

  247. Thurs Opinion Language matPDF File

  248. Tues Writing Emotion Adjective matPDF File

  249. Tues Writing Playscript ChecklistPDF File

  250. Tues Writing Prompt sheetPDF File

  251. Wed Adverbs of manner matPDF File

  252. Theseus adventure questionsPDF File

  253. Theseus's adventure answersPDF File

  254. Theseus's adventure textPDF File

  255. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 9PDF File

  256. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS1-The-first-quadrant-2019 (2)PDF File

  257. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS2-Four-quadrants-2019 (1)PDF File

  258. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS3-Translations-2019 (1)PDF File

  259. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS4-Reflections-2019 (1)PDF File

  260. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO1-The-first-quadrant-2019 (1)PDF File

  261. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO2-Four-quadrants-2019 (1)PDF File

  262. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO3-Translations-2019 (1)PDF File

  263. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO4-Reflections-2019 (1)PDF File

  264. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 10PDF File

  265. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 10PDF File

  266. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 10PDF File

  267. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS1-The-first-quadrant-2019 (2)PDF File

  268. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS2-Four-quadrants-2019 (1)PDF File

  269. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS3-Translations-2019 (1)PDF File

  270. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS4-Reflections-2019 (1)PDF File

  271. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO1-The-first-quadrant-2019 (1)PDF File

  272. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO2-Four-quadrants-2019 (1)PDF File

  273. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO3-Translations-2019 (1)PDF File

  274. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO4-Reflections-2019 (1)PDF File

  275. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 10PDF File

  276. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS1-The-first-quadrant-2019 (2)PDF File

  277. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS2-Four-quadrants-2019 (1)PDF File

  278. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS3-Translations-2019 (1)PDF File

  279. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-ANS4-Reflections-2019 (1)PDF File

  280. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO1-The-first-quadrant-2019 (1)PDF File

  281. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO2-Four-quadrants-2019 (1)PDF File

  282. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO3-Translations-2019 (1)PDF File

  283. Y6-Autumn-Block-4-WO4-Reflections-2019 (1)PDF File

  284. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019PDF File

  285. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019PDF File

  286. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS3-Forming-expressions-2019PDF File

  287. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS4-Substitution-2019PDF File

  288. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019PDF File

  289. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019PDF File

  290. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO3-Forming-expressions-2019PDF File

  291. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO4-Substitution-2019PDF File

  292. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019PDF File

  293. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019PDF File

  294. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS3-Forming-expressions-2019PDF File

  295. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS4-Substitution-2019PDF File

  296. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO1-Find-a-rule-one-step-2019PDF File

  297. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO2-Find-a-rule-two-step-2019PDF File

  298. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO3-Forming-expressions-2019PDF File

  299. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO4-Substitution-2019PDF File

  300. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 11DOCX File

  301. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 11PDF File

  302. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 11PDF File

  303. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 11 finalPDF File

  304. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS5-Formulae-2019PDF File

  305. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS6-Forming-equations-2019PDF File

  306. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS7-Solve-simple-one-step-equations-2019PDF File

  307. Y6-Spring-Block-3-ANS8-Solve-two-step-equations-2019PDF File

  308. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO5-Formulae-2019PDF File

  309. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO6-Forming-equations-2019PDF File

  310. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO7-Solve-simple-one-step-equations-2019PDF File

  311. Y6-Spring-Block-3-WO8-Solve-two-step-equations-2019PDF File

  312. Weekly Learning Year 6 Summer Week 12PDF File

  313. Weekly Learning Year 6 Week 13PDF File