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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Expanding School Attendance - Summer 2020

Overview Link
School Capacity and Keeping in Contact

This letter, written by the head teacher, sets out important information for parents about school capacity and admission arrangements for the remainder of the summer term. It also shares information about the keeping in contact arrangements, that also need to change now more staff are required to work on the school site.

What will school be like for children - June 2020

The following presentation will help children prepare for returning to school on Wednesday 3rd of June. (Updated 12.54  2/6/20)

Expanding Capacity Booking Arrangements

This letter from the head teacher sets out the arrangements for expanding school capacity for Year 6 children whilst maintaining and prioritising attendance for children of Key Workers and Vulnerable children in all year groups.

Expanding Capacity - Frequently Asked Questions

This document sets out answers to the frequently asked questions received from parents regarding the expanding capacity of school. 

COVID 19 School Risk Assessment

Please click the image opposite to open the school risk assessment and control measures in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. A condition of access to the school premises is children, families, staff and wider visitors (social workers; deliveries) follow the guidance in spirit and deed. The risk assessment is already comprehensive and thorough, however, it is a live document. It will be updated in response to any new or arising circumstance and in collaboration with children, parents and staff. Critical aspects of the risk assessment are included for confirmation within the booking form - it is therefore not essential for all families to read the risk assessment but it is recommended. All staff attending school site must read the risk assessment and implement it.

Opening School from 1st June

Information for parents and carers to help prepare for the wider opening of nurseries, schools and colleges from 1 June.


West Sussex Guidance - Phased Re-Opening

The Director of Education and Skills in partnership with representatives of schools is promoting the key principles within this document. Chesswood Junior School leaders will work within this set of principles and support them.



West Sussex Guidance - Schools Safely Opening

Please find a link from the Director of Education and Skills Statement about schools opening safely.

School Expansion Data Overview

Please find a link to the data overview from parent responses to the 'expanding pupil capacity'.  We received 381 responses accounting for more than half of our families. Parents have shared in excess of 1000 questions and comments.

School Expansion - Director of Education & Skills

Please find a link to a letter for all families from Paul Wagstaff, West Sussex Director of Education & Skills.  

School Expansion Update - Head Teacher

Please find a link to the head teacher's letter that provides parents with an update on our progress towards a plan to expand capacity from Monday 1st June

We would request ALL families read the letter and, most importantly, complete the online form by Friday 15th May 4:00 p.m. it may be found at:

School Expansion Letter - Monday 1st June

Please find a link to the head teacher's letter in response to the Prime Minister's announcement on Sunday 10th May and the further guidance published on Monday 11th May. This further guidance may be found at:

We would request ALL families read the letter and, most importantly, complete the online form below by FRIDAY 15th May 4:00p.m.


Government's Recovery Strategy - inclusive of school expansion

Please find a link to the Government's published guidance issued Monday 11th May. The guidance is wide ranging and it includes some specific intentions and ambitions for schools. We have used this guidance to support our letter to parents on the 11th May and to aid the design of our online form.


Following the Government and Prime Minister's announcement, in relation to schools expanding capacity, we have set up this form to gain a better understanding from families about their perspective. Although the focus was on Year 6 returning, potentially from 1st June, there is also an ambition, from government, for all children to return by the end of the summer term. On that basis, we would welcome responses from all families to support our thinking, when we are modelling provision for the remainder of the summer term.  

We believe it is of vital importance that we remain focused on safely maximising capacity in school, in line with government guidance and ambition, whilst maintaining a good service for all families whose children continue to be at home, whether they are following the online curriculum, using hard copy packs or some other combination. We also believe this will be achieved most effectively if we build a good understanding of the different perspectives families hold.

We believe there are 215 children whom might require a school place from June 1st; including Y6 (166 children) and all children that have attended in the summer term so far (Key worker and vulnerable children not in Y6 54). Given 12 children per class is the most reasonable number to keep the integrity of 2m distancing; 18 classrooms will be required. Opening 18 classrooms currently, given staffing restrictions for those shielding or with underlying health conditions; the need to balance and maintain the online learning programme and hard copy packs for the majority of children at home is unlikely to be safe , satisfactory or sustainable. If it is we will not hesitate to get it up and running. If it isn't we will seek to determine the best school expansion model that is safe, satisfactory and sustainable for the overwhelming majority. For that reason, we have included a wide range of potential school attendance options for parents to determine their support for, or otherwise.

It is vital as many parents as possible share their views using this form to ensure we the best foundation for decision making going forward and know the concerns and questions families hold.

Please complete form by Friday 15th May, 4:00p.m.

If you have any difficulty accessing the form in this window, please use the link below to open a new window:

Open Form In New Window