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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

RE Curriculum Celebration


year 3


Autumn 1
Would celebrating Diwali at home and in the community bring a feeling of belonging to a Hindu child?




We were encouraged to get creative with our exploration and when learning of our knowledge and key vocabulary







Autumn 2
Has Christmas lost its true meaning?

Children were asked to draw upon their own personal experience of what Christmas means to them.  They created 'Freeze frames' based on their own Christmas holiday experiences.




To help us remember, we wrote these on and made our own Christmas paper chains for the classroom!







A Venn diagram was used to allow children to express their understanding of which pictures symbolise the Religious / Non-Religious aspects of Christmas.






Spring 1
what do Christians believe?
what do hindu's believe?

We made cubes to show the different parts of our identity. 

This is similar to Hindu Gods who take on different shapes and roles within their society.



We had to choose our favourite aspect of the Hindu God and explain what values they possess, why we chose this particular one, what values I look for in a friend and how I show these values in my life.



We expressed our understanding of who Brahma is in the form of poetry.


We were then able to use our knowledge to compare what we already know about Hinduism and Christianity.

Spring 2
What is Good about Good Friday?

We mapped the Easter Story using a story board then explored whether or not Good Friday could actually be considered a good day and if so, be whom?



summer 1
How do hindu's show their commitment?

We discussed the significance of spiritual places and pilgrimages through the children's knowledge of Braham, which links back to the knowledge learnt in our previous Hinduism unit and makes cross-curricular links to Geography topics.  To evaluate the learning, the children wrote a postcard home as if they were a Hindu child visiting the River Ganges. This enabled the children to imagine their journey and reflect on what they might have experienced. 









year 4

autumn 1
what do Jews believe?

We looked at and explained the importance of belonging and the promises we make to each other.

We also looked at the Ten Commandments and had to explain which promises we thought were the most important and why.

A quiz - to test our knowledge and understanding of the unit.


autumn 2
What is the most significant part of the Nativity story for Christians today?

The children had the opportunity to explore different aspects of the Nativity story then use their creative skills to depict them.


spring 1
how does celebrating passover help Jews show that they value their relationship with god?

We started to look at what our favourite foods were and think about how we would feel if we were forbidden from eating them!

We started to look at and begin to understand how Jews show God they value their special relationship with him.

We began to explore Kashrut (food laws). We can now explain what is considered to be Kosher (allowed) or Treif (not allowed) to be eaten.

Specifically we looked at why and how Jewish people celebrate Passover.

We further used our empathy skills to express how a Jewish child might feel or respond to an invitation to a birthday party at McDonalds.

spring 2
Do Christians need to go to church?
summer 1
What is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?


Summer 2
Could Jesus heal people?  Were these miracles or is there some other explanation?


Year 5

Autumn 1
What do Muslims believe?

We explored how religious belief influences individuals and communities, starting with Shahadah, the belief that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.

Salah -  the commitment to pray five times each day.

Zakah - The giving of money to charity


Sawm - Fasting during the month of Ramadan.

Hajj - The need to go on a pilgrimage.

We were then encouraged to express of own opinions about the best way for a Muslim to show their commitment to Allah.


autumn 2
Is the Christmas story true?




spring 1
how do ramadan and eid-ul-fitr celebrations help Muslims to feel part of a community?



Our final lesson was an Oracy task.  We were asked to throw a dice onto a pre-printed statement chart, which was populated with statements about Ramadan.  We were asked to express our personal views with our talk partners / small group about whether we agreed or disagreed whilst justifying our opinion.


Spring 2
what are the important elements of lent for Christians?






summer 1
How significant are rites of passage in a Muslim’s life?

Our investigations led us to consider how Muslims commit their lives to Allah from birth and into the afterlife.


summer 1
Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?

A time of reflection to consider how Jesus would have felt when betrayed by Judas.. our task, to write a letter of forgiveness from Jesus to Judas.


year 6

is anything ever eternAL?

At the start of the topic we were encouraged to express our current understanding / beliefs about the key questions.


We looked at symbolism, where and how this is portrayed in everyday life and had to express in our opinion whether anything can ever be eternal?

At the end of the topic our understanding was assessed both through the use of questions as well as creatively.

WHAT Can we learn from the beliefs, practices and festivals of world religion?