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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Summer 2

Year 3 homework for the SECOND half of the SUMMER term

Click on the picture under the correct level of homework for you.

Level 1

Level 2 and 3



Note, Level 3 Maths/Writing grids and Choice grids are located further down the page - click below to go straight to them.  For more information on topic coverage each term, please view our curriculum leaflets by clicking here.

Level 3 Maths                                     Level 3 Writing                                        Choice


Level 3 Maths

Greater depth maths activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.












Level 3 Writing

Greater depth writing activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.


‘From day dot, young Geoff had a curious and unshakeable love for beans.’ 
It is only fitting then, that when Geoff grows up, he gets a job at the Heinz baked beans factory.   As ‘Head of Innovation,’ it is Geoff’s job to create new products in the laboratory.  Young and single Geoff realises that a tin of baked beans can be too large for one person and he designs ‘the one for one,’ a tin of beans just right for one person to have as a snack.
One day, Geoff notices a beautiful colleague who works in the Department of Spaghetti, he realises he may need to share his beans so he designs a larger can – ‘The one for two.’  Two soon becomes four, with the introduction of little twin beans and then Geoff realises that he needs ‘The one for all’ tin of beans. 

Your challenge (pick from below) - 

  • Write Geoff’s biography
  • Retell Geoff’s story
  • Write journal entries in the role of Geoff
  • Write dialogue between Geoff and his wife
  • Create advertising jingles for the new Bean range
  • Design, explain and advertise a new ‘bean can size’ or bean invention
  • Create advertising for beans or other food products

Do you know who lives below wishing wells?  In this short animation, we find out that beneath each well lives a small creature.  A mythical granter of wishes. 

This Wishgranter is quite apathetic but when a wish for love becomes stuck in the well mechanism then the Wishgranter springs into action.  Although not everything goes to plan, all is well in the end!

Your challenge (pick from below) - 

  • Retell the story from various points of view. 
    • The Wishgranter
    • The Money wisher
    • Either of the love wishers
  • Write diary entries for the various characters
  • Discuss what you would wish for and why.  
  • Write an explanation about how wishes are granted. 
  • Create thought bubbles for the people making the wishes. 
  • Write dialogue for the two characters at the end. 
  • Explain what is needed in a Wishgranter's toolbox. 
  • Create a persuasive film review and trailer.
CREATIVE WRITING CHALLENGE 9 - the legend of the crabbe phare

The Crabe Phare is a colossal crustacean who lives at the bottom of the ocean. When this mammoth creature rises from the deep, he doesn't have destruction on his mind.  Instead, he wants to collect and preserve ships to add to his underwater collection. 

The huge creature is not the monster of the story: it is the humans. The message of this story is one about the effect that humans have on the natural world.  A powerful message told stylishly with a touch of humour. 

Your challenge (pick from below) - 

  • Synonyms and antonyms for big and monster. 
  • Description of the creature. 
    • Can children change these to make the monster sound fierce and or friendly?
  • Retell the story in the 1st person as the crab or as a visitor.
  • Create a Guinness World of Records entry for the Crabe using examples from the latest book. 
  • Create a news report about events in the story. 
  • Create a persuasive piece asking humans to leave the crab alone. 


It is your choice whether you access any of the ideas on this page. These are ideas from the other subjects being taught in the curriculum each half-term - tasks include viewing knowledge organisers and/or quizzes on key knowledge and key vocabulary for you to attempt.  You may also wish study some of the safety resources we have on this page - if you're looking at the safety resources, please do this with an adult.


Subject Link Activity


Have a read of the knowledge organiser for We Are Engineers: Catapult Making.  See how much you can remember by attempting the key vocabulary and key knowledge games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.



Have a read of the knowledge organiser for The Romans.  Try to write down 3 key facts in your homework book.


Have a read of the knowledge organisers for Smetana.  Try to write down 3 key facts in your homework book.


Have a read of the Year 3 knowledge organisers for Rolling, Stopping, Catching.  Once you have read these, see how you get on with the game to the right of the knowledge organisers on the website. 


Practice French on Duolingo for 5-10 mins per day.  Contact your class teacher if you need your login.
Life skills

Useful Websites and Links Game Zone