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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Whole School correspondence 2021 - 2022

This area of the school website contains all letters sent to parents in this current term. We hope this will help families find any necessary and relevant letters quickly and easily, as we know how easy it is to misplace and lose important correspondence with the very busy lives families lead.

The area is split into Whole School Correspondence, Year 3 - 6 Correspondence respectively.

NRPF - No Recourse to Public Funds The Department of Education has recently changed who is eligible for Free School Meals to include children from households with No Recourse to Public Funds (subject to income thresholds)  13th July 2022

Summer Fayre Friday 17th June 5-7pm


Helpers Wanted If you are able to offer any help either in the run up to the Fayre or on the day itself we would love to hear from you. Should you be able to help in some way behind the scenes please do contact us. Please let us know by emailing either or kbrown@chesswood.w-sussex.sch

17th May

Summer Fayre Raffle Friday 17th June 2022 – 18:30.


We will be holding a Raffle at our Summer Fayre. Tickets can be purchased online via SchoolsBuddy and the Draw will be made in person at the Fayre. The first prize will be an iPad kindly donated by Coast & Country. The second prize is a Luxury hamper and the third prize is a ride in a WW2 jeep kindly donated by Mr & Mrs Carroll.

17th May

Living with COVID-19 – Next Steps

New guidance that came in to place from Friday 1st April.

 6th April

NSPCC Online Safety

Help children stay safe on chat apps

23rd March

Parents Evening A letter regarding Parents Evening on 3rd & 5th May 22nd March 

Celebration of Learning A letter regarding our forthcoming Celebration of Learning. 21st March 2022

Computer Screensaver Competition  All entries must be submitted by Friday 29th April 2022 17th March 2022

'Poppy Playtime and Huggy Wuggy'

It has come to our attention that there is an adult computer game with 'child-like' characters which may still appear in search engines even when parental controls are in place. There is worry that this would lead them to accessing inappropriate material, leading to them being upset or distressed.

Please visit the following WEBSITE or click on the image for information about the game and how best to stop children from accessing it, alongside what to do if you think your child has had access to this already.

18th March 2022

British Science Week A letter regarding the British Science Week 11-20th March 2022

  A letter regarding Summer Term Clubs 2022 and Club list. 17th March 2022

Severe Weather Letter Direction to Close the school. School will close at 11:30 but any child that cannot be collected we will keep them safe until they can be collected safely. Friday 18th February

Covid Case Update A letter updating parents on current Covid-19 outbreaks in school Wednesday 12th January

Covid Case Update A letter updating parents on current Covid-19 outbreaks in school Tuesday 11th January

Spring Term Clubs 2022 A letter detailing how to apply for the spring term clubs, and a list of the available clubs Tuesday 4th January

Attendance Update A letter regarding the updated process for reporting your child's absence  Friday 17th December

ADHD Information A letter regarding ADHD Friday 17th December

Covid 19 Update A letter regarding Limited Community Service Opening Tuesday 15th December

Covid 19 Update An update regarding the current cases in school. Tuesday 14th December

Parents Evening January 2022 A letter regarding Parents evening on 18th & 20th January Monday 13th December

Spring Club 2022 A letter regarding Spring Clubs 2022 Monday 13th December

Spring Club 2022 Spring 2022 Club List Monday 13th December

Covid 19 Update An update regarding the current cases in school. Monday 13th December

Covid 19 Update & Advice on Attendance and Testing A letter regarding the current Covid cases in school, school attendance for the final week of term, and guidelines on testing. Friday 10th December

Courtesy, Care and Kindness A letter asking for consideration towards school staff when being asked to follow Covid guidelines.  Thursday 9th December

Covid 19 Update and Advice A letter regarding current cases and the measures put in place at school.  Monday 6th December

Covid 19 Outbreak Update & Face Mask Guidance A letter with information on current Covid cases in school, and also guidance on wearing face masks in school.  Tuesday 30th November

Christmas Information Letter A letter regarding information for the forthcoming weeks Thursday 18th November

Covid-19 Update A letter with information regarding current Covid-19 cases at school.  Monday 15th November

Inset Day Childcare A letter with information about childcare offered for the November Inset Day Thursday 11th November

5G Mast A letter detailing the school's position regarding the proposed 5G mast on Chesswood Road. Tuesday 19th October

Inset Day Childcare A letter inviting parents to sign their children up for the Inset Day childcare facilities on the 17th November. Tuesday 19th October

After School Club Sign-Up A letter regarding the new system for booking for After School Club.  Friday 15th October

Breakfast and After School Club Sign-up Booking forms to sign up for wrap around care. Alternatively you are able to sign-up via SchoolsBuddy Friday 15th October

European Day of Languages On Friday 1st October we are inviting children to come in dressed as the colour of a flag to celebrate the European day of Languages. Thursday 30th September
Flu Vaccination  A letter inviting parents to sign their children up for flu vaccinations on Thursday 4th November. Tuesday 28th September

Parents Evening Autumn 2021 A letter notifying parents of Parents Evening on 19th & 21st October booking via Schoolsbuddy. Tuesday 28th September 

End of Day Arrangement A letter detailing the arrangements for collecting at the end of the school day.  Tuesday 7th September

Clubs for Autumn Term 2021 A list of clubs that will be on offer for the Autumn term, and a letter detailing how to apply for spaces.

Tuesday 7th 

NHS Covid Information

A leaflet with information relating
to Covid 19, and returning to school.

Friday 3rd

Return to School September 2021

Information for parents regarding the return to school September 2021.

Thursday 2nd September

  1. Christmas Information LetterPDF File

  2. September - Return to SchoolPDF File

  3. Parent Evening Autumn 2021PDF File

  4. NHS return to school leaflet September 2021PDF File

  5. Exiting School - September (3)PDF File

  6. Autumn 2021 Club ListPDF File

  7. Application for Clubs Autumn 2021PDF File

  8. H4012a WSCC Funded Rites for Girls Girls' Net (1)PDF File

  9. H4012b WSCC Funded Rites for Girls Online Parenting SupportPDF File

  10. Harvest Donating Items All-minPDF File

  11. OCT 21 booking form WORTHINGPDF File

  12. 5GPDF File

  13. Letter re 17th November 2021PDF File

  14. Letter re new ASC sessionsPDF File

  15. Breakfast Club Autumn (2) booking formPDF File

  16. After School Club Autumn 2 booking form (1)PDF File

  17. After School Club Autumn 2 booking formPDF File

  18. NHS online submission help letter to parents (2)PDF File

  19. Letter re new ASC sessions (1)PDF File

  20. Letter re 17th November 2021 (1)PDF File

  21. Covid Outbreak 15 11 21 (2)PDF File

  22. Covid Outbreak and face-covering guidance 30 11 21PDF File

  23. Covid Outbreak and School Attendance Letter 10 12 21PDF File

  24. Covid Outbreak and use of lateral flow devicesPDF File

  25. Parent letter Courtesy, Care & KindnessPDF File

  26. Covid Outbreak 6 12 21PDF File

  27. Covid Outbreak and School Attendance Letter 13 12 21PDF File

  28. Application for Clubs 2022PDF File

  29. Spring 2022 Club ListPDF File

  30. Parent Evening Spring 2022PDF File

  31. Covid Outbreak and School Attendance Letter 14 12 21PDF File

  32. Covid Outbreak Letter and Limited Community Service Opening 15 12 21PDF File

  33. Are you interested in finding out more about ADHDPDF File

  34. Absence reporting letter for parents finalPDF File

  35. Spring 2022 Club ListPDF File

  36. Application for Clubs 2022PDF File

  37. Covid Outbreak 11 01 22PDF File

  38. Covid Outbreak 12 01 22PDF File

  39. Severe Weather ClosurePDF File

  40. Application for Clubs Summer 2022PDF File

  41. Summer 2022 Club ListPDF File

  42. Celebration of Learning Evening 6th April 2022PDF File

  43. Parent Evening Summer 2022PDF File

  44. Online Safety - WhatsAppPDF File

  45. Next Steps for Living with Covid - April 2022PDF File

  46. Chesswood Screensaver CompetitionPNG File

  47. Summer Fayre posterPDF File

  48. Summer Raffle poster (002)PDF File

  49. Letter on NRPF and Free School MealsPDF File