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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School


There are many ways in which children secure reinforcement, recognition and reward for their achievements. Our school community seeks to be as positive an experience as we can possibly make it and recognising the good and outstanding achievements children secure is central to this. 

The house system is a flexible recognition and reward system. There are four houses named after forests in England supporting our class name of tree found in England. The house system is underpinned by children gaining house points as they progress through the year. Subject leaders and class teachers are encouraged to identify opportunities for inter house competitions where children can gain house points. House points and achievements will be displayed within the school and on the school website usually updated monthly.

In addition to the house system there are 'Bright Sparks' cups awarded by class teachers each month - 'Be the best you can be', 'Go the extra mile' and 'Courtesy, Care and Kindness'. 

Further pastoral and achievement certificates are awarded each term based on outcomes from the previous term. Pastoral awards link to friendship, behaviour and engagement. The achievement awards take into account attainment, progress and sheer effort. With such a broad based reward and recognition programme we know there is opportunity for every child to shine.

Our award and reward system is a conscious choice, some awards are secure via outcomes from tests or online learning platforms, others through professional judgement. As with all professional judgement, it can be open to wide ranging debate, however staff have clear, consistent guidance to make their judgements and undertake these in good faith. We recognise there can be a debate on internal and external reward and recognition - both have positive and negative attributes. We have deliberately chosen to reward the widest possible range of factors within the school environment and to promote children's ambition and motivation to aim higher and above all Dream, Aspire Achieve. In doing so, the system is underpinned by recognising the good and outstanding for individual children - the awards are competitive but overwhelmingly are not limited by the number of children who can gain the award rather performance above specific thresholds. That means some children will always be below these and as a wider part of life aiming to improve and to target specific achievements, in a positive way, is also a positive part of this system. 

For further information please click on the image below or follow this LINK to read the 'Certificate and award guidance', in addition to this there is further information in the school prospectus.

Chesswood Junior School Playlist

We host a wide range of public events from our open events to our celebrations. This play list includes a range of songs to energise and set a positive atmosphere for them.

We hope you enjoy listening and bringing back good memories.