Child Care Disqualification
This page is created as part of safeguarding checks specifically applied to any employee or associate that provides child care beyond the school day for children less than 8 years old. This does not apply to any role outside of the school 'wrap around care' arrangements i.e. breakfast and after school care club. It does not apply to extra curricula activities including Year 3 children for staff directly employed by Chesswood Junior School. It does however apply to any employee or associate NOT directly employed and including Y3 children in their extra-curricular activity. This is a local professional decision and judgement made on the balance of risk posed by directly employed staff against additional data requests.
Under section 76(3) schools are prohibited from employing a disqualified person in connection with relevant childcare provision in the settings set out in the relevant offences and orders section of this guide, unless the individual in question has been granted a waiver by Ofsted for the role they wish to undertake. An employer commits an offence if they contravene section 76(3), except if they prove that they did not know, and had no reasonable grounds for believing, that the person they employed was disqualified.
Further Information:
Form Completion
It is important to note - it is vital that you answer accurately as failure to do so will most likely be an act of gross misconduct concealing knowledge of conviction, warning or reprimand that could lead to dismissal now or in the future.
You may complete the form below follow this LINK or use the QR code |