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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Developing Maths

Level 3 - greater depth maths activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.

Autumn 1 challenges

Number dots

Find as many ways as possible to represent the number dots.


Target numbers

Using digits 0-9 once only create the target numbers.


Step-by-step guide

Write a step-by-step guide for how to add and subtract two four-digit numbers.

Nice or nasty

You will need one die and a partner to play this game.​


Reasoned rounding

You will need a partner to play this game.

Nice or nasty (part 2)

This game follows on from the Nice or Nasty game.

You will need one die and a partner to play this game.


Autumn 2

Torn shapes

Area and perimeter

Dicey perimeter, dicey area


zios and zepts

Carrying cards 


A square of numbers

Shape times shape





Spring 1

Multiplication squares


What's in the box 

Division Rules 

How much did it cost

Fractional Triangles

Fractions in a box

Andy's Marbles



Spring 2

Tug Harder!          

There are lots of games you can play in this task. 

Game 4 is the decimal one, but you can play any of the others if you like.


Summer 1




Summer 2