Dog and Animal Safety
Many children love making furry friends or having pets of their own but is is important to be aware of the risks involved and how to maintain a safe and healthy relationship with animals.
rspca - keeping children safe and dogs happyA dog welfare expert from the RSPCA gives her top tips for keeping children safe around dogs while making sure the dogs remain safe and happy too, |
PETS AND YOUR CHILDThis video from the NHS explains how to introduce pets to new babies and as children grow, what they should or shouldn't do around animals at home.
CATS' PROTECTION - CATS AND KIDS DOS AND DON'TSThis video outlines some dos and don'ts for children and how to behave around cats, making sure both children and cats feel safe and calm. |
A GUIDE TO DOG BODY LANGUAGEThis video teaches children (and adults!) how to read dogs' body language to determine whether they are friendly, nervous or scared, giving tips on when to approach dogs - and when not to.
DOG'S CONSENT TO PETThis video shows the body language of a dog who wants to be petted and what to look for when a dog doesn't.
RSPCA - CHILDREN AND DOGSA guide to staying safe around dogs for children |
DOGS' TRUST - STAYING SAFE WITH DOGSThis PDF includes advice and tips for children on how to behave around dogs in a responsible and safe way, including how to read a dog's body language.