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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Governor Allowances


Governors give their time generously for the benefit of their school. It is recommended that each governing body adopt a clear policy for reimbursing governors’ expenses, so that every governor has full access to attending meetings and training. On that basis, the governors of Chesswood Junior School promote the payment of expenses to ensure no governor is disadvantaged by their voluntary work on behalf of the school.

  • Governors cannot claim attendance allowances or for loss of earnings.
  • Governors may be reimbursed for expenses incurred whilst attending Governors’ meetings, Training Courses and other meetings undertaken in the course of their duties including child care costs.
  • Governors can only claim incurred cost (that is, the cost must have been incurred by the governors before it can be reimbursed).
  • Governors should decide for themselves whether or not to claim.
  • Governors should be able to claim without embarrassment.
  • The policy to be reviewed annually by the Full Governing Body
  • If clarification is required, governors shall refer to the DFE publication ‘Guidance on Paying Governors’ Allowances’. If this does not resolve issues, governors should raise any questions or issues with the Clerk or Chair of Governors for advice.

Click on the image below or follow this LINK to open the document.

Governor Allowance Form

Please complete the governor allowance form below by following this LINK or using the QR code below: