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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Maths Support at Home

Support & Guidance for children using FRECKLE MATHS

What is Freckle?  

Freckle is a website and app that children can access to complete Maths tasks, either as assigned by their teacher or of their choosing.  It's run by the same company that run Accelerated and Star Reader.

Why has my child been selected?

We have selected 60 children in total, 20 from each of Years 3, 4 and 5 to take part in a trial use of Freckle.  Children have been selected for a variety of reasons, ultimately this is to help maximise their progress and increase the chances of them meeting their target for the year.

What impact will this have?

From the second week of spring term, the 60 children selected will complete Freckle homework rather than IXL Maths.  All other homework remains the same.

Which questions should my child answer?

Children should initially attempt any work which has been set for them by their teacher - this is displayed as 'From my Teacher' and in the child's 'Rucksack'.  This can be supplemented by attempting other Maths tasks by clicking on Maths and viewing Adaptive Maths, Fact Practice and Focus Skills.  The minimum expectation is 30 minutes per week.

How does my child log in to Freckle?

1) Access Freckle by either visiting or using the app.

2) Type in the class code xf36f5

3) Type in their first and last name as printed on their Freckle Login Cards - spare copies of these are available from Mr Gilbert.

4) Enjoy Freckle!

If you are unsure about whether this impacts on your child, please contact Mr Gilbert via

Parent Letter - November 2022


Quick Guide - how to access homework once Freckle has been set up


User Guide - how to set up and use Freckle for weekly homework






Whilst we predominantly use White Rose resources and schemes of learning to support the delivery of Maths across the school, sometimes children may benefit from additional input on certain aspects of the curriculum.  The link on the right takes you to a collection of Primary Video Lessons, which have accompanying resources, which may support your child to focus on areas they are struggling with.  Please speak with your child's teacher before using these resources.



These guidance documents can help support children who are struggling getting to grips with the written methods for their age range.  This shows more practical and pictorial methods to help support their understanding.





These activities help children to quickly recognise quantities up to 10 .

Addition + Subtraction

These activities help children to quickly recall addition within 100.  There various different tasks including number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.  These help children to calculate quickly mentally and support children's confidence with written methods.

Multiplication + Division

These activities help children to count in equal amounts and develop their multiplication and division fluency.




Please note - all children are supplied with a log in for Numbots - it is the same as their log in for TT Rock Stars.  Many of the skills that are unlocked on Challenge Mode can also be practised using the White Rose 1-minute Maths app.

Story Mode

In Story Mode, the emphasis is on mathematical concepts and is underpinned by a mastery approach to teaching. Story Mode features visual representations, procedural variation, exposure to different calculation strategies and interleaved material all in very carefully sequenced order.

Challenge Mode

In Challenge Mode, the emphasis is on rapid responses to essential facts and simple sums, against the clock.

Challenge Mode is locked for new users and is unlocked once players reach a certain level on Story Mode. It’s currently set to unlock part way through Tin stage. There are 20 Challenge levels and only the first is unlocked to begin with. To unlock the next Challenge, players must correctly answer 12 questions in a minute.




Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table and further enhances your children's understanding.

There is a brief guide to download at the bottom of this page. If you have any problems please speak to the teacher in the first instance.


IXL delivers a deeply engaging learning experience, pupils use this system during the school day and at home to further their learning and understanding. IXL adapts as the students move forward offering new challenges at the right level.

IXL can be used at home on any device. You can also download the app and use it on a tablet. Log in using the username and password supplied by the school (this can be found on your child's report). For the username, remember to use the @chesswood at the end, after the name. 

Please click to download

If you have any questions please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.

Written Methods - calculation progression

To help your child develop their mathematics skills, we have created the a calculation progression policy to explain how we teach some aspects of written mathematics across the school. See the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division menu on the right - each section demonstrates the calculations step-by-step (using videos!)

Mental Multiplication

Written Addition

Written Division

Written Multiplication

Written Subtraction


Mental Multiplication - times tables

National Curriculum Expectations for times tables:

Year 1 - Count in multiples of 2,5 and 10. Recall and use doubles of all numbers to 10 and corresponding halves.

Year 2 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

Year 3 - Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.

Year 4 - Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.

Statutory Multiplication Table Check (MTC) for all pupils in Year 4 commences from June 2020.

Year 5 - Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12.

Year 6  - Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x 12.

See the menu on the right for more information about how to learn mental multiplication rapidly.



Why not check out our extensive range of useful websites & links?