Ofsted Parent View
This page focuses on the formal Ofsted parent view structure that will be used in an inspection and by school leaders to account for different aspects of school leadership and management. The formal Ofsted Parent View may completed 24/7 365 days per year. The link to the official website may be found in the section below.
Ofsted Formal 'Parent View' Website
Click on the image below or follow this LINK to open the Ofsted Parent View website. Parents may complete this form 24/7 365 days per year. Completions are included in the academic year response set. A school requires 10 responses to be completed before results are published . We formally request parents complete the OFSTED questionnaire once per year in the last half of the summer term, Usually the last week in June. Completion is anonymous and respondents are asked multiple choice questions only, therefore completion takes a matter of minutes.
Families are invited to review outcomes from previous and current year, where there are sufficient responses.