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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Request Removal From School Roll

From time to time circumstances change for parents and families and children may need to move to a new school. This can be for many reasons including moving to a new area and occasionally to a new country. Whenever a family would like to remove their child from the school roll there is a short process families need to follow. The form below must be completed by all families seeking to remove their child from the school roll whatever the reasons for that removal may be. The completion of this process ensures we can transfer essential information to the new school and fulfil our safeguarding duty regarding  'children missing in education'.

You may complete the form from the window below or you may follow this link to open it in a new window. We would recommend this if completing on a smaller device such as a phone or tablet.

Elective Home Education (EHE)

One reason for a child being removed from the school roll is a family choice to educate their child at home. We will always respect a family decision to educate their child at home and will work with the family to ensure the process may be undertaken in a positive way. We recognise in some case this will be a better option for a child either temporarily or permanently. On rare occasions that we have safeguarding or welfare concerns about proposed elective home education we will share those with the parent and with appropriate external professionals e.g. the elective home education team.

We would advise that parents contact the West Sussex 'elective home education' team in advance of making any final decisions of your child's removal from roll. Once a final decision is taken families should communicate that decision with the team at:

Click on the image below to find out more from West Sussex Local Authority above elective home education.