Summer 2
Year 4 homework for the SECOND half of the SUMMER term
Click on the picture under the correct level of homework for you.
Level 1 |
Level 2 and 3 |
Note, Level 3 Maths/Writing grids and Choice grids are located further down the page - click below to go straight to them. For more information on topic coverage each term, please view our curriculum leaflets by clicking here.
Level 3 Maths Level 3 Writing Choice
Level 3 Maths
Greater depth maths activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.
Level 3 Writing
Greater depth writing activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.
Challenge 1Throughout your time at Chesswood so far you have learnt about many influential people such as Malala in Year 3 English, David Attenborough in Year 4 Guided Reading and Greta Thunburg in PSCHE. This week we would like you to think about who you would choose to come into our Year Group Assembly to make a difference to the world around us or to our way of thinking so that we can begin to make the world a better place. This person could be real or a character from a book or TV programme. When you have thought of someone, create a persuasive piece of writing to try to convince Miss Monger to allow them to lead an assembly. Remember Miss Monger will be looking for imperative (bossy) verbs, a variety of conjunctions and unleveled vocabulary to persuade her to let them speak to all the children in Year 4. Bring your piece of writing in once it is finished to share with Miss Monger.
Challenge 2This week we would like you to write a book review for your favourite book that you have read in Year 4. This guide below will help you to include all the necessary features for a good review. You can follow the steps in order if you wish or create a review of your own. Please make sure your review includes the reading level. If you are unsure, look the book up on AR. You may also want to include how many points it is worth and the word count. When you have finished your review, bring it in to share with your class and teacher. It may help inspire others in your class to read the same book. The review can then be put up in the library to share with everyone reading at that level. |
Challenge 3This week we would like you to write a report on plastic pollution in Britain, the danger it poses to animals on land and in the sea and what we can do about it. You can present your report in any way you like. It could be written as a story from the point of view of an animal, as a non-fiction report or presented via a PowerPoint. The choice is up to you. Use the websites below to help you with your research. When you have completed it, make sure you share it with your class, so they too know how plastic affects our environment and what they can do to reduce its effects.
Challenge 4Over the past few weeks we have looked at inspirational speeches by Martin Luther King, Greta Thunburg, The Queen and David Attenborough. All of these people are passionate about the topics they have chosen to speak out about. This week we would like you to choose a topic that you are passionate about and write a speech to share with the class. You do not need to write more than a page but you will need to include fronted adverbials, a range of co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions and emotive language. Use these resources to help you.
Challenge 5This week we would like you to write a poem about pollution and climate change to share with your class. Use all the knowledge you have learnt in your English Writing, Guided Reading and Geography lessons to make it as powerful as you can. These resources from Challenge 4 last week could be helpful You can choose whether you wish to write a free verse or a rhyming poem. We look forward to listening to your creative ideas. |
Challenge 6For your final week in Year 4 we would like you to write a thank you letter to someone who has helped you with your learning this year. This could be a family member, a TA, your teacher or a friend who has supported you in class. Put the school address at the top of the letter rather than your own address. Follow the guide below to help you lay it out correctly. Make sure you give your finished letter to the person you have written it to. We are sure they will appreciate it.
It is your choice whether you access any of the ideas on this page. These are ideas from the other subjects being taught in the curriculum each half-term - tasks include viewing knowledge organisers and/or quizzes on key knowledge and key vocabulary for you to attempt. You may also wish to practise your French using Duolingo or study some of the safety resources we have on this page - if you're looking at the safety resources, please do this with an adult.
summer Term
Subject |
Link |
Activity |
ScienceClassificationHave a read of the knowledge organiser for Living Things and their habitats. See how much you can remember by attempting the vocabulary and knowledge games. Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you |
Click on the image for key facts about the topic 'Living Things and their habitats' covered in year 4. |
Key Vocabulary Key Knowledge |
ArtMatisseHave a read of the knowledge organiser for Matisse you have been given in class.. See how much you can remember by attempting the vocabulary and knowledge games. Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you |
Key Vocabulary | |
DTStir FryHave a read of the knowledge organiser for We Are Chefs: World Cuisine - Stir Fry. See how much you can remember by attempting the vocabulary and knowledge games. Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you |
REJudaism |
Click on the image for key facts about the topic 'Judaism', covered in year 4. |
Click on the image for key facts about the topic 'Judaism', covered in year 4. Try to write down 3 key facts in your homework book. |
Click on the image for key facts about Sea Shanties.
Click here to visit the Music Knowledge Organisers page and attempt the game linked to Sea Shanties. See how you get on - you can use the Knowledge Organiser to help you. We are also singing and playing traditional games. Some of which are skipping games. Can you continue to play these at home and perhaps try to make up your own versions? |
Click on the images to view the knowledge organisers for rounders and cricket.
Click here to visit the PE Knowledge Organisers page and attempt the games linked to Rounders and Cricket. See how you get on - you can use the Knowledge Organisers to help you. |
Life Skills |
Mental Health is the way we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us. It affects how we cope with life's challenges and stresses. Below are some activities linked to mental health that you may wish to try. Remember to share any of the activities that you find helpful with your friends and family. How exercise can help your mental health Coping with feelings of anger Anger Activities |
Managing your feelings Harry Potter Yoga Frozen Yoga |
More |
Useful Websites and Links | Game Zone |