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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Weekly Newsletters 2023 - 2024




22nd July Year 6 Race Day 9am

22nd July Year 6 Leavers party (3:30pm)

23rd July Year 6 Leavers Assembly (9am)

23rd July Last day of term

24th July Summer holidays start

2nd September Non-pupil day

3rd September Children return to school

17th July Celebration of Learning 3:30pm

18th July Rocksteady Concert 9:15am

18th July Homework club ends

22nd July Year 6 Race Day 9am

22nd July Year 6 Leavers party (3:30pm)

23rd July Year 6 Leavers Assembly

23rd July Last day of term

24th July Summer holidays start

2nd September Non-pupil day

3rd September Children return to school

5th July Civil War Project Music Performance 

8th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30am (Year 3) & 6pm

8th July last day to order Leavers Hoodies

9th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30 am (Year 4/5&6) & 4pm

10th July Happily Ever After Performance -


11th July Dancemania XVII 5pm

17th July Celebration of Learning 3:30pm

18th July Rocksteady Concert 9:15am

18th July Homework club ends

22nd July Year 6 Race Day 9am

22nd July Year 6 Leavers party (3:30pm)

23rd July Year 6 Leaver Assembly

23rd July Last day of term

24th July Summer holidays start

2nd September Non-pupil day

3rd September Children return to school

28th June Summer Fair

2nd July Year 5 fire visit 5HM & 5EV

2nd July Y2-Y3 Meet the Year Group (5pm-6pm)

2nd July Last day to order whole school photo

3rd July Transfer Day

5th July Civil War Project Music Performance 

8th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30am (Year 3) & 6pm

8th July last day to order Leavers Hoodies

9th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30 am (Year 4/5&6) & 4pm

10th July Happily Ever After Performance -


11th July Dancemania XVII 5pm

17th July Celebration of Learning 3:30pm

18th July Rocksteady Concert 9:15am

18th July Homework club ends

22nd July Year 6 Race Day 9am

22nd July Year 6 Leavers party (3:30pm)

23rd July Year 6 Leaver Assembly

24th July Summer holidays

26th June Year 6 Sports day (1:30pm-3:00pm)

27th June Extracurricular clubs end 

28th June Summer Fair

2nd July Year 5 fire visit 5HM & 5EV

2nd July Y2-Y3 Meet the Year Group (5pm-6pm)

2nd July Last day to order whole school photo

3rd July Transfer Day

5th July Civil War Project Music Performance 

8th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30am (Year 3) & 6pm

8th July last day to order Leavers Hoodies

9th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30 am (Year 4/5&6) & 4pm

10th July Happily Ever After Performance -


11th July Dancemania XVII

17th July Celebration of Learning 3:30pm

18th July Rocksteady Concert 9:15am

18th July Homework club ends


14th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3DH & 3SH)

17th June Year 3 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

17th June Year 3 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

18th June Year 4 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

20th June Year 5 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

21st June Non-Uniform Day

26th June Year 6 Sports day (1:30pm-3:00pm)

28th June Summer Fair

2nd July Year 5 fire visit 5HM & 5EV

2nd July Y2-Y3 Meet the Year Group (5pm-6pm)

3rd July Transfer Day

5th July Civil War Project Music Performance 

8th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30am & 6pm

9th July Happily Ever After Performance - 9:30am & 4pm

10th July Happily Ever After Performance -4pm

11th June Year 5 fire visit 5ML, 5AL & 5CR

11th June Year 4 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

12th June Clothing Collection

13th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3SM, 3EL & 3CV)

13th June Year 5 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

14th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3DH & 3SH)

17th June Year 3 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

17th June Year 3 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

18th June Year 4 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

20th June Year 5 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

21st June Non-Uniform Day

26th June Year 6 Sports day (1:30pm-3:00pm)

28th June Summer Fair

2nd July Year 5 fire visit 5HM & 5EV

3rd July Transfer Day

5th July Civil War Project Music Performance  


24th May Swimming Assessments (5EV & 5HM)

27th-31st May Half Term

3rd – 14th June Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

6th June 2024 Stars of the Future Concert 9:30am

11th June Year 5 fire visit 5AL & 5CR

11th June Year 4 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

12th June Clothing Collection

13th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3SM & 3CV)

13th June Year 5 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

14th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3DH, 3EL & 3SH)

14th June Year 3 Homefield Primary event (3:30)

17th June Year 3 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

18th June Year 4 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

20th June Year 5 Sports day (9:15am-11am)

26th June Year 6 Sports day (1:30pm-3:00pm)

28th June Summer Fair

21st May Dress as a number day

22nd May Inset Day

22nd May National Numeracy Day

24th May Swimming Assessments (5EV & 5HM)

27th-31st May Half Term

6th June 2024 Stars of the Future Concert 9:30am

11th June Year 5 fire visit 5AL & 5CR

12th June  Clothing Collection

13th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3SM & 3CV)

14th June Year 3 Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (3DH, 3EL & 3SH)

28th June Summer Fair

13th-17th May Year 6 SATS test week

13th May Last day to order free Homefield uniform item

21st May Dress as a number day

22nd May Inset Day

22nd May National Numeracy Day

24th May Swimming Assessments (5EV & 5HM)

27th-31st May Half Term



6th May May Bank Holiday
7th May Parents evening (3:30-5:30pm)
8th May Parents evening (3:30-7pm)
13th-17th May Year 6 SATS test week
21st May Dress as a number day
22nd May Inset Day
22nd May National Numeracy Day
24th May Swimming Assessments (5EV & 5HM)
27th-31st May Half Term

Important Upcoming Dates

1st May Celebration of Learning

6th May May Bank Holiday

7th May Parents evening (3:30-5:30pm)

8th May Parents evening (3:30-7pm)

13th-17th May Year 6 SATS test week

21st May Dress as a number day

22nd May Inset Day

22nd May National Numeracy Day

24th May Swimming Assessments (5EV & 5HM)

22nd April Extracurricular clubs start

23rd April Year 4 Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve trip 4LB &CH

23rd April St George’s Day - Beavers, Cubs, Rainbows and Brownies can wear uniforms

25th April Year 4 Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve trip 4PB &4UO

1st May Celebration of Learning

6th May May Bank Holiday

7th May Parents evening (3:30-5:30pm)

8th May Parents evening (3:30-7pm)

13th-17th May Year 6 SATS test week

15th April Amalgamation Closure Day

16th April Homework club starts

19th April Swimming Assessments 5CR, 5AL & 5ML

22nd April Extracurricular clubs start

23rd April Year 4 Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve trip 4LB &CH

23rd April St George’s Day - Beavers, Cubs, Rainbows and Brownies can wear uniforms

25th April Year 4 Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve trip 4PB &4UO

1st May Celebration of learning


22nd March Extracurricular club finish

22nd March Tutorials end

27th March School Disco

28th March Homework club ends

28th March Time to Dance Show

28th March Last day of half term

29th March Good Friday – school closed

1st April -12th April Easter Holidays

15th April Amalgamation Closure Day

16th April  Homework club starts

22nd April Extracurricular clubs start

23rd & 25th April  Year 4 Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve trip

19th March Science Fayre

21st March Rock Steady Concert

22nd March Extracurricular club finish

22nd March Tutorials end

27th March School Disco

28th March Homework club ends

28th March Time to Dance Show

28th March Last day of half term

1st April -12th April Easter Holidays

15th April Inset day for pupils

8th March Last day to order class photo

11th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip 6NB & 6CL

12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip 6SJ, 6AH & 6JS

14th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit 3SM & 3CV

14th March Last day to order Easter lunch

15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit 3DH, 3EL & 3SH)

15th March Red Nose Day

19th March Science Fayre

21st March Rock Steady Concert

22nd March Extracurricular club finish

22nd March Tutorials end

27th March School Disco

28th March Homework club ends

28th March Time to Dance Show

28th March Last day of half term

4th March Year 6 Parents Evening 3:30-5:30pm

5th March Year 6 Parents Evening 3:30-7:00pm

7th March World Book Day

8th March Last day to order class photo

11th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip 6NB & 6CL

12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip 6SJ, 6AH & 6JS

14th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit 3SM & 3CV

14th March Last day to order Easter lunch

15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit 3DH, 3EL & 3SH)

15th March Red Nose Day

19th March Science Fayre

21st March Rock Steady Concert

22nd March Extracurricular club finish

22nd March Tutorials end

27th March School Disco

28th March Homework club ends

28th March Time to Dance Show

28th March Last day of half term

1st March Year 6 secondary places confirmed
4th March Year 6 Parents Evening 3:30-5:30pm
5th March Year 6 Parents Evening 3:30-7:00pm
7th March World Book Day
11th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip 6NB & 6CL
12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip 6SJ, 6AH & 6JS
14th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit 3SM & 3CV
14th March Homework club ends
15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit 3DH, 3EL & 3SH)
15th March Red Nose Day
19th March Science Fayre
21st March Rock Steady Concert
22nd March Extracurricular club finish
22nd March Tutorials end

12th February - 16th February Half Term

19th February Inset day

1st March Year 6 secondary places confirmed

4th & 5th March Year 6 Parents Evening (more information to follow)

7th March World Book Day

11th & 12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip

14th & 15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit

22nd March Afterschool Club finish

9th February Treat Day

12th February - 16th February Half Term

19th February Inset day

1st March Year 6 secondary places confirmed

4th & 5th March Year 6 Parents Evening (more information to follow)

7th March World Book Day

11th & 12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip

14th & 15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit

23rd & 25th April Year 4 Pulborough Brooks Nature Reserve trip

30th January Bag2School collection

30th January Class Photos

2nd February Year 5 Herstmonceux Trip

2nd February National Wear Red Day for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

12th February – 16th February Half Term

19th February Inset day

7th March World Book Day

11th & 12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip

14th & 15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit

30th January Bag2School collection

30th January Class Photos

2nd February Year 5 Herstmonceux Trip

2nd February National Wear Red Day for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

12th February – 16th February Half Term

19th February Inset day

11th & 12th March Year 6 Michelham Priory Trip

14th & 15th March Year 3 Wakehurst Place visit

15th January Clubs, Tutorials and Year Leader Interventions begin

16 th January Parents’ evening (3:30-7pm)

17th January Parents’ evening (3:30-5pm)

17th January Young Voices – Choir O2(selected choir members only)

21st January Extracurricular clubs’ signup closes

30th January Bag2School collection

2 nd February Year 5 Herstmonceux Trip

2 nd February National Wear Red Day for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

12th February – 16th February Half Term

19th February Inset day

8th January Y2-3 Open evening (5-6pm)

10th January Celebration of learning (3:30-5:30pm)

10th January Parental Engagement (see below)

12th January Voting ends - New School Name

15th January Clubs, Tutorials and Year Leader Interventions begin

16 & 17th January Parents evening

17th January Young Voices – Choir O2(selected choir members only)

21st January Extracurricular clubs signup closes

30th January Bag2School collection

2nd February Year 5 Herstmonceux Trip

2nd February National Wear Red Day for Children’s Heart Surgery Fund

19th February Inset day

15th December Christmas Choir tour at Sydney Walter Centre

15th December Last day of term

2 nd January Spring term starts

2 nd January Homework club starts

8 th January Y3 Open evening

10th January Celebration of learning

10th January Consultation Day

30th January Bag2School collection

19th February Inset day

8 th December Winter Wonderland

11th December Dancemania XVI

11th December Christmas Choir tour at St Georges lodge

12th December Christmas Choir tour at Symphorians and Rosemary Mount

13th & 14th December Christmas Concerts at St. Georges

15th December Christmas post box last day of posting

15th December Christmas Choir tour at Sydney Walter Centre

15th December Last day of term 2 nd January Spring term starts 2 nd January Homework club starts

30th January Bag2School collection


4th December Christmas post box opens

5th December Christmas Choir tour at the New Grange

7th December Rock Steady Concert

7th December Christmas Choir tour at St. Michaels

7th December Homework club ends

8th December Christmas Lunch

8th December Christmas Jumper Day

8th December Winter Wonderland

11th December Dancemania XVI

11th December Christmas Choir tour at St Georges lodge

12th December Christmas Choir tour at Symphorians and Rosemary Mount

13th & 14th December Christmas Concerts at St. Georges

15th December Christmas post box last day of posting

15th December Christmas Choir tour at Sydney Walter Centre

15th December Last day of term

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (non-uniform day) – 1st December

Donations for Winter Wonderland – 1st December

Extracurricular clubs end – 1st December

Christmas Choir tour at the New Grange – 5th December

Rock Steady Concert – 7th December

Christmas Choir tour at St. Michaels – 7th December

Homework club ends – 7th December

Christmas Lunch – 8th December

Christmas Jumper Day – 8th December

Winter Wonderland – 8th December

Dancemania XVI – 11th December

Christmas Choir tour at St Georges lodge – 11th December

Christmas Choir tour at Symphonians and Rosemary Mount – 12th December

Christmas Concerts at St. Georges – 13th & 14th December

Christmas Choir tour at Sydney Walter Centre – 15th December

Last day of term – 15th December


WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 17/11/2023

Extracurricular clubs end – 1st December

Christmas Lunch – 8th December

Christmas Jumper Day – 8th December

Winter Wonderland – 8th December


WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 10/11/2023

World Kindness Day (Wear Odd Socks Day) – 13th November
Year 3 Museum visit – 13th, 14th &16th November
TT Rock Stars – England Rocks Competition- 14th, 15th &16th November
Inset Day – 15th November
Flu Vaccination session – 16th November


WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 03/11/2023

Year 2 Open Day sessions – 8th November
World Kindness Day (Wear Odd Socks Day) – 13th November
Year 3 Museum visit – 13th, 14th &16th November
TT Rock Stars – England Rocks Competition- 14th, 15th &16th November
Inset Day – 15th November
Flu Vaccination session – 16th November

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 20/10/2023


Important Please Note
Half Term – 23rd – 27th October
Deadline date for Year 6 Secondary school applications – 31st October
Year 2 Open Day sessions – 8th November
World Kindness Day (Wear Odd Socks Day) – 13th November
Year 3 Museum visit – 14th, 16th &17th November
Inset Day – 15th November
Flu Vaccination session – 16th November

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 13/10/2023

Worthing Schools Cross Country – 14th October
Parents Consultations – 16th & 18th October
Year 5 Pop Up Planetarium visit – 17th October
Year 4 Weald & Downland Trip – 17th & 20th October
Treat Day – 20th October
Wear Red Day – 20th October
Deadline date for Year 6 Secondary school applications – 31st October

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 06/10/2023

Year 6 NCMP Measuring – 9th & 10th October
Worthing Schools Cross Country – 14th October
Parents Consultations – 16th & 18th October
Year 5 Pop Up Planetarium visit – 17th October
Year 4 Weald & Downland Trip – 17th & 20th October
Treat Day – 20th October
Wear Red Day – 20th October

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 29/09/2023

Worthing Schools Cross Country – 14th October
Year 6 NCMP Measuring – 9th & 10th October
Parents Consultations – 16th & 18th October
Year 5 Pop Up Planetarium visit – 17th October
Year 4 Weald & Downland Trip – 17th & 20th October

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 22/09/2023

Extracurricular clubs start – 25th September
Year 6 Bristol Residential – w/c 25th September
Year 6 Bristol week – w/b 25th September
European Day of Languages - Dress in
Country's Colours- 26th September
Year 3 Zoolab visit – 29th September

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 15/09/2023


Harvest Festival – collection for Turning Tides – 20th September dress as a Superhero

Extracurricular clubs start – 25th September

Year 6 Bristol Residential – w/c 25th September

Year 6 Bristol week – w/b 25th September

European Day of Languages - Dress in

Country's Colours- 26th September


WEEKLY NEWSLETTER  Published 08/09/2023


School Photographs 11th & 12th September
Meet the Teacher - week beginning 11th September