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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Spring 2

Please note this page is currently being updated and will be populated no later than Friday 10th February.

Year 4 homework for the SECOND half of the SPRING term

Click on the picture under the correct level of homework for you.

Level 1

Level 2 and 3



Note, Level 3 Maths/Writing grids and Choice grids are located further down the page - click below to go straight to them. For more information on topic coverage each term, please view our curriculum leaflets by clicking here.

Level 3 Maths                                     Level 3 Writing                                        Choice


Level 3 Maths

Greater depth maths activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.

Tug Harder!          

There are lots of games you can play in this task. 

Game 4 is the decimal one, but you can play any of the others if you like.


Level 3 Writing

Greater depth writing activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.

Challenge 1

Imagine you are out with your parents at the weekend and you bump into your favourite celebrity.  Write a news report about the incident.  Remember to include a Headline, the 5 W's and speech (both direct and reported). Think carefully about how you will draw your reader in and how will you keep their attention to ensure they read to the end.


Challenge 2


Your challenge this week is to imagine interviewing your favourite celebrity then writing up your interview so it includes 3 examples of direct speech and 2 examples of reported speech.  Remember to include speech punctuation and correct spellings.


Challenge 3

Write a fact file on J M W Turner and his artwork.  Include who he is, when he lived, where he lived, and you favourite example of his work.  Remember to say why you have chosen it.

Challenge 4

Write an advert for a product of your choice.  It can be real or made up.  Include a rhetorical question, powerful adjectives and adverbs, alliteration and figurative language.







Challenge 5

Pretend you are living in the Roman Era in Britain.  Write a list of crimes and their fitting punishment.  Refer to your recent history learning to ensure it is historically accurate.  

Challenge 6

These are the year 4 Spelling words.  Pick 10 that you feel are difficult and practise spelling them by putting them into context in a sentence.




It is your choice whether you access any of the ideas on this page. These are ideas from the other subjects being taught in the curriculum each half-term - tasks include viewing knowledge organisers and/or quizzes on key knowledge and key vocabulary for you to attempt.  You may also wish to practise your French using Duolingo or study some of the safety resources we have on this page - if you're looking at the safety resources, please do this with an adult.


Subject Link Activity

Click on the image to open the KO to learn key knowledge, skills and vocabulary linked to sketching stacking tables.

Have a read of the knowledge organiser for Stacking Tables.  See how much you can remember by attempting the vocabulary games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.


Click on the image to open the KO to learn key knowledge, skills and vocabulary linked to the topic 'World Cuisine - Stir Fry', covered in year 4. 

Have a read of the knowledge organiser for We Are Chefs.  See how much you can remember by attempting the vocabulary and knowledge games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.

Key Vocabulary:


Key Knowledge:



Click on the image for key facts about the topic 'Sound' covered in year 4. 

Have a read of the knowledge organiser for Sound.  See how much you can remember by attempting the vocabulary and knowledge games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.

Key Vocabulary:

Key Knowledge:



Click on the image for key facts about the topic 'Judaism', covered in year 4.  Try to write down 3 key facts in your homework book.


We begin to look at Crime and Punishment.  Take a look at this knowledge organiser to learn about how the justice system worked during the Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Tudor periods.  Test yourself on the vocabulary by playing the linked games.

Have a read of the Year 3 knowledge organisers for Invasion 3.  Once you have read these, see how you get on with the game to the right of the knowledge organisers on the website.  


Life Skills

Read through the Kid's Guide to feeling lonely by clicking on the picture below.  Create your own comic strip poster (like the ones in the book) to show anyone feeling lonely at school what they could do to help them overcome their feelings of loneliness and become more confident.  Perhaps you could create your own character like the ones on the picture below. Bring it in to show your teacher and share with the class.

Self Esteem - Who am I?

View yourself in a mirror.  Talk to a family member or friend about what you see.  Then, looking closely at the shape of your face and features, draw a self-portrait from the top of your head to your shoulders.  Around the outside of your portrait write 5 positive things about yourself, or, if you find that difficult, 5 things that others may say about you. For example: that you are a great friend or that you have an amazing smile.  Bring your portrait into school to share with your teacher and class.


Useful Websites and Links Game Zone