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Chesswood Junior School

Chesswood Junior School

Summer 1

Year 5 homework for the first half of the summer term

Click on the picture under the correct level of homework for you.

Level 1

Level 2 and 3



Note, Level 3 Maths/Writing grids and Choice grids are located further down the page - click below to go straight to them.

Level 3 Maths                                     Level 3 Writing                                        Choice


Level 3 Maths

Greater depth maths activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.

Summer Term

Nrich: Consecutive numbers

Leapfrog investigation


Extension: If you enjoyed Nim and fancy something more challenging try Daisy.

Chicken grain fox puzzle

nrich: number pattern exploration




Level 3 Writing

Greater depth writing activities for further study after IXL activities have been completed.

Summer Term



It is your choice whether you access any of the ideas on this page. These are ideas from the other subjects being taught in the curriculum each half-term - tasks include viewing knowledge organisers and/or quizzes on key knowledge and key vocabulary for you to attempt.  You may also wish to practise your French using Duolingo or study some of the safety resources we have on this page - if you're looking at the safety resources, please do this with an adult.

Subject Link Activity

Have a read of our We are Game Developers knowledge organiser. 


Have a read of the knowledge organiser for We are Textile Designers - Draw-String Bags.  See how much you can remember by attempting the key vocabulary and key knowledge games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.


Have a read of the knowledge organiser for Ancient Mayans.  See how much you can remember by attempting the games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.

Have a read of our P.E. knowledge organiser for stoolball.

Have a read of the knowledge organiser for Islamic Festivals.  Try to write down 3 key facts in your homework book.


Have a read of the Science: Properties and Changes of Materials knowledge organiser.  See how much you can remember by attempting the key vocabulary and key knowledge games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.


Have a read of the Geography: We are Water Supply Engineers knowledge organiser.  See how much you can remember by attempting the key vocabulary and key knowledge games.  Don’t worry — it’s not a test — you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.

Have a read of the Music - World Music: Mayans knowledge organiser. See how much you can remember by attempting the key vocabulary and key knowledge games. Don't worry - it's not a test - you can use the knowledge organiser to help you.


Practice French on Duolingo for 5-10 mins per day.  Contact your class teacher if you need your login.
Life skills

Useful Websites and Links Game Zone